I've been meaning to post but.. Nadia and Sami have been at each other's throats the past two days! I don't know if it has to do with the rain and the fact we haven't been able to get out or what.. Maybe there is a full moon or something? Samirah's been super cranky which makes me question everything I know about Mommyhood, and Husam's also been extra crabby and more helpless than normal.
So. ***Sighs*** I haven't had enough time or energy to sit down and think of something funny, witty, or interesting to say. Do you forgive me?
Luckily, tomorrow should be nice. And we have a LLL meeting in the morning where Nadia will have some playmates. Then I'm taking a trip to Kohl's.. I got a 30% off peelie so I want to go hit up the clearance racks! woo hoo! Then I may even take the kiddos to the lake after lunch. Go go go! Like that book Nadia reads.. "Go Dog GO" Only my version is "Go Mommy.. GO!"
I'm hoping they will all be more cheerful tomorrow. Truly more for their sake than my own. I love them no matter what but I know I don't like very much to be in a bad mood and feeling out of sorts. So I imagine it's not very fun for them...
So. once they chaos calms. I will be back with something of substance to say.
Any suggestions? I'm thinking of an Adventures in Tandem Nursing post.. Or something along those lines.. :-)
PS- Still waiting on Samirah's petti/tutu and I'll def have an awesome photo shoot when I get it!
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