Okay.. That's not a teen mom. That's ME lol. And I've never been a Teen mom.. Not really close either. I was married when I was 20, and we got pregnant with Nadia when I was 21. I delivered her when I was 22. Still considered a "young mom" I suppose. I notice this especially when I am at events for Nadia for dance class or school, I'm generally the youngest Mom. Usually by several years.. So . That being said- What do I know about the subject!?
Maybe not much.. But am I the only one who feels a little sick inside when I watch that MTV show "Teen Mom" If you haven't seen it, I'd suggest checking it out..
I think in a way it's a good show- Maybe it would open some girl's eyes to the reality of pregnancy and motherhood. Especially when your going it alone!
There is Farrah. She's a single Mom.. Who really.. In my opinion just does NOT spend enough time with her daughter. I realize there is editing and maybe it's not what it seems to be- but that's what the show wants you to think. She seems so self centered and nasty. She's downright disrespectful to her mother. I would never dream of speaking to my Mother or Father that way!! Not now, not EVER in my life!! What happened to respecting one's parents?? Is that dead and gone? I sure hope not. At any rate, it seem she has a lot of growing up to do. It's unfortunate she is figuring this out while she is a Mother. At the expense of her child. And I believe she will one day regret passing up so much time with her child to go boy chasing.. When she can appreciate how fast they grow.. *sighs* I feel bad for her and baby..
Maci. My husband and I think she is most mature of the "teen moms" but her boyfriend Dear GOD! What is wrong with this kid!? He just doesn't seem to care. Going off with his friends seem to be his top priority leaving this mother with the baby allllll the TIME! I feel like a father is an important role in a child's life! Hence why I believe in marriage before children essentially. That is the optimal plan in my mind anyways. Your setting your kids up to be in a good family unit! (I know I know not all marriages work out- but that's why we must be more selective in who we're mating with people!!) A good friend of mine always says "Breed Up" I think this applies with most of these mothers.
Catelynn and Tyler. Now these two seem like the most mature out of the bunch. They give thier baby up for adoption (I can't ever imagine!!) Because they know they can't give her all they would like. wow! Can we say selfless! I can't say I'd be as selfless in thier position. Thankfully, I've never been there to find out!!
Amber and Gary... Wow.. What to say about these two! She sits around the house all day (which is an utter DISASTER) and is downright verbally and physically abusive to Gary. Usually in front of the baby! That is terrible on so many levels! For one. I'm a neat freak. So seeing a child living in a house how she kept hers was just shocking and sad to me!!! And the guy comes home and asks what did you do all day. And she starts screaming and yelling like a maniac.. come on here sweetheart! You signed up for this!! Get up and CLEAN a little! I have THREE kids and my house is near immaculate at all times! So don't say it can't be done! As for the way they treat eachother in front of the child- I think anyone could agree that it's a disgrace. I see at the end of this season they have seperated- But then on the finale did I see they got back together? And may even be expecting agan *God Help Us!!!!!* Let's hope for the good of that child... They stay away from eachother. That was just a volitale situation!!!
So.. While I know not everyone may agree with me. I'm a strong advocate for having babies AFTER marriage. Sure. Marriage doesn't make you mature. But it (Generally speaking) means a more stable life for any future children. Not that single parents can't make a stable home for a child, but I think it's easier when you have Mom and Dad at home working together. It's ideal. (IMO) I think especially when your a teenager it's hard to provide stability for yourself, let alone a small human being who depends on you for everything..
Teen pregnancy is becoming so common. I saw on the news that the statistics show the rates rising. Why?? Why don't these young girls want to be kids?? At 13 and 14 I was still playing Barbies! Not thinking about having to be responsible for another LIFE! Geez.
And did you also notice that NONE of these teen mom's breastfed. Which is an important descision in Motherhood. A very responsible one to make in my opinion. And not one of them nursed those little babies. On their 16 & pregnant reunion show they all whined how "hard" it was. Well sister if you think breastfeeding is hard buckle your seatbelt and prepare for the rest of your life being responsible for another person. A lifetime of caring about someone else more than yourself (hopefully) A lifetime of worry, joy, love, and big time responsibility!!
*sighs* am I alone in wanting to go shake some sense into these young girls?!
Farrah doesn't seem like she gives a crap about her baby. I like Maci, but sometimes I think she's dumb, for putting up with her bf's bs for so long. That guy is a tool. Catelynn and Tyler are awesome. I love those guys. Amber is terrible. She treats Gary so badly. And I agree, she's lazy, and their hose is gross.
Hey.. i used to talk to you all of the time on xanga but its been awhile but i saw you made this and i had to laugh at the teen mom, im glad im not the only person who was totally into that show! I agree w/ you for the most part on everything you said..about the breastfeeding thing,on the 16 and pregnant aftershow and somebody asked about that and farrah said she tried but it was too much work and another girl that didnt make it on teen mom said she tried but it hurt too much...it truly suprises me that farrah even tried though! she seems like the most uncaring mom on the show.
ReplyDeleteThat show truly makes me angry..im always yelling at them and like CMON! its not that hard..blah blah, like the amber thing..clean house with ONE baby is NOT even hard! thats just lazy!