Graduated Preschool today! I cried. I cried on the first day and again today on the last day. (Okay I cried the whole first week, but we don't have to tell anyone shh!) It didn't help that they were playing "You raise me up" over the loud speakers while we were waiting for pick up. I know I know, those of you who don't have kids are saying, "It's just preschool!!!" And I guess I could see that.. But for us, it's a BIG DEAL! It was the kickoff of what we hope to be an excellent school career for her! She loves school SO much and she's so upset that she won't be going all summer. And she is concerned how she'll practice her letters !! I assured her we'd work on them together here at home. I can't believe my BABY is going to Kindergarten. It's bittersweet really. It seems like not long ago, I was a nervous new Mom walking her up the walkway to our old apartment. I wanted to be the best Mom to her. I'd dress her up, and play with her, and take every moment enjoying her. Yet still. It went too fast. Where has my little baby gone? She's now a beautiful young girl. Dare I say gorgeous? With her contagious smile... Her long lashes, and beautiful hazel-ish eyes. She has a fantastic sense of humor, and is the sweetest little thing. My Baby Nadia. Momma loves you. To the moon, and back again. Your my entire life. You made me a mother. I love you. I'm proud of you. Your my world
xoxo Momma